Sunday, April 25, 2010

Anything Worth Doing, Is Worth Doing Well

Today was the TC10K race, with over 13 000 runners.  It is a run that I love to do every year, and somewhere in the middle of doing it, I wonder why I like it.  Today, I felt good until the 5K mark, but kept going, at the 8K mark I started to think how I had ruined a great morning, but I persevered and reached my goal.  On Friday night, we had our PAC sponsored Fun Fair.  When the skies opened and the rain fell, it would have been easy to say "call it off", but our PAC persevered, by adjusting their plans and staging a hugely successful "indoor" Fun Fair.  This quality is one that we want to instill in all of our students.

It seems that giving in when things get tough is too easy a choice these days.  At school, we work to help our students understand the message that if it is worth doing, it is worth putting our best effort forward and working until we complete it.  The staff at David Cameron School continually push our students towards their best work and to ensure they finish what they start.  Persevering under difficult circumstances is a great life skill and one that will help our students in their future careers.  We as adults need to be great role models for this, and we are.

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