Monday, October 11, 2010

Giving Thanks

What a fabulous weekend this has been.  The weather was great, the food was great, and connections with family were great as well.  I began thinking about what to write in this week's blog on Friday, after another very busy week at school and how much I was looking forward to the Thanksgiving weekend.  Normally, I'm not one to get too hung up on the whole "what am I thankful for" thing, but this weekend I started thinking about how thankful I am for the tremendous staff I have at David Cameron School.

This really became clear to me as I read an interview with Bill Gates in the latest Maclean's magazine.  He was lamenting the failure of the American education system and the tolerance for mediocrity in its teaching ranks.  As I read, I kept thinking how opposite his perspective is to my reality.  At David Cameron we have teachers that are not only dedicated, but have the learning needs of all of our children as their central focus.  Our teachers are not complacent and happy with the status quo, they are constantly looking for new insights and strategies for their teaching that will help students achieve greater learning.

Last week, I wrote about our Literature Study Circles as an innovative, cross-grade method of increasing the sophistication with which students comprehend text.  This is a single example of the kinds of things that  our teachers do on a daily basis, while at the same time supporting the variety of needs that students in their classes have.

David Cameron school has become a complex, fast-paced, large elementary school, but despite these challenges our teachers remain committed to the learning of each child.  So, Thanksgiving has made me think about how truly thankful I am that I get to go to a place every week that has such a caring and forward thinking group of teachers.  Thanks to each of you.

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