Sunday, September 19, 2010

Keeping our Kids Active

In my family, this past week has signaled the start of another busy year with sports and other activities beginning.  This means that the taxi service is also in full swing as we juggle between soccer, volleyball, cross country, basketball, and piano lessons.  This same act is done by many of our David Cameron families as well.  I think it's great that there are so many opportunities in greater Victoria to lead an active lifestyle.   There are many sports organizations dedicated to kids, as well as sport facilities, and community trails for jogging or biking.  Victoria even offers support for families with financial difficulties through the KidSport organization.

At David Cameron we continue to promote daily physical activity for our students.  As a school, we do our regular Monday School-Wide Run (and Marathon recognition), and many classes go for hikes along the galloping goose trail on days that they are not scheduled into the gym.  We also have lots of play equipment for students to use at recess and lunch.  We know that kids need to move and be active and yet, in Canada, obesity has become the second leading, preventable, cause of death, only outdone by smoking.  A few years ago there was a statistic released by General Motors that they were spending more on health care costs than they were on raw materials to build cars.  These facts seem to add a little more importance to the need for daily activity.

So, let's do our part to keep getting the kids where they need to be and supporting them in whatever activities they choose.  Let's also commit to being good role models for them in our own lifestyles.  We will do our best to encourage, support, and offer activities at school as well.

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