Sunday, June 20, 2010

Farewell to our grade sixes

I always approach this time of year with mixed feelings.  On one hand I am excited to see our grade six students taking the next step in their academic careers, with the possibility of their futures open to them.  On the other hand, I can't help but feel a bit selfish and wish that they would stay around for awhile longer.  It seems that we are just getting to the point where their contributions to our school are mature, community-based, and supportive of a great environment, and then they leave.

This year, our grade sixes have taken on incredible leadership roles and have set a standard for years to come.  They have taken on the responsibility of our morning announcements for the first time, they continue to act as our student announcers for assemblies, and they have created many opportunities for student involvement in things like floor and road hockey tournaments, to name a few things.

Beyond the contributions that they make to school in tangible ways, their influence within the school is positive and calming (most of the time ;)).  They demonstrate the ability to contribute to our school environment (who can ignore the guitar playing on the school grounds), solve problems in peaceful ways (too many times this year, problems have already been resolved prior to any adult intervention).  They also have a great sense of the impact of their contributions and they thrive on this as a part of who they are.

We are fortunate to have such a great group of students as our leaders and role models.  Their positive influence can only help to continue the tradition of excellence at David Cameron that our new grade six students will aspire to.  While I am sad to see them go, I can't wait to hear the stories of their successes in years to come.  Best of luck to all of them in the future.

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