Sunday, February 28, 2010

A proud moment in our history

Whether you're a fan of the Olympic Games or not, you have to admit that was some special time.  There were so many hi-lites it's hard to know where to begin.  For me, the greatest thing is the outpouring of Canadian pride and unified feeling that we are a special and unique place to live in this world.  At the start of the games there were many who were quick to jump on the "I told you so" bandwagon about the negative aspects of the Games, and yet, as the emotion surged and the athletes competed, something miraculous happened.  The negative voices were drowned out in a sea of appreciation.

There are times in our small school community when the "nay-sayers" threaten to drown out the positives that we have worked so hard to build.  And yet, there is this constant and consistent murmur that continues to overwhelm the negativity and continues to carry us to greater successes for our students and our children.  We continue to work towards every success and advantage for our students and while there will be some things that don't go quite right there are certainly more that do.

With the completion of our second term, we hit the home stretch for this school year.  This does not mean that we can sit back and relax, it is a time to continue to push and grow as much as we can as a community of learners in support of our children.  I encourage, parents, staff, students and other school community members to help us strengthen the great aspects of our school.  We have something great here, let's keep building it.

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