Sunday, December 13, 2009


The dictionary defines generosity as "a readiness to give more of something than is necessary or expected".  At the beginning of the month we had our regular "School Read Assembly" and introduced the December virtue of Generosity to our students, and boy have they taken it to heart.  As we head into our final week of school prior to the Christmas Break I am humbled to see the many generous acts that are happening in our school on a daily basis.    We have many activities happening from our Pennies for Presents fundraiser, and Food Bank donations to a Sock Drive.  These are all organized by teachers, parents, and students, working together to give back to our community.

One of these generous acts occurred on Friday with our PAC Gift Day.  We had a great number of parent volunteers that spent their day helping students shop, wrap, and tag presents.  The smiles on the faces of our students (and parent volunteers) were impressive.  A smaller act of note, relates to one of our grade six students who decided that he would like to contribute by organizing a Sock Drive for the homeless.  He set up a box in our main foyer, wrote an in impressive announcement script and then read it over our closed circuit system.  The thoughtfulness and organization that this student has demonstrated is great to see, but the story doesn't end there.  After a week of the collection box sitting empty, another person decided to help out by purchasing several pairs of socks to get the project moving and make sure that the student had some success.  It is great to see that others have now gotten involved and the sock box is overflowing with contributions.

As educators, we work hard to introduce important lessons to our students through our monthly virtues and we sometimes wonder if the message is getting through.  This month has proven to us that the message of virtues, in particular generosity, is coming through loud and clear.  What a great atmosphere this creates in our school.  Thanks to everyone for the contributions they make to our school community.


Comfort Socks said...

Dear David Cameron Elementary
Thank you for being sensitive to the need of new socks by homeless people and families.

I hope that your school will consider helping our non-profit agency, Comfort Socks with future sock drives.

Comfort Socks is a 501(c)3 public charity that provides new socks to homeless shelters all across the United States.
Aside from the obvious hygiene benefits of new socks for homeless people and families, our mission is one of Comfort. We beleive that new socks simply feel good, and will help tend to the soul as well as the body of someone going through a difficult time.

Comfort Socks welcomes volunteers. To learm how you can help, please visit our website @

Thank you for acting on the compassion in your heart and stepping forward to help others.

Theresa Tese
Comfort Socks

Comfort Socks said...

PS - you can follow our blog at

thank you very much for your service

Theresa Tese
Comfort Socks