Sunday, November 29, 2009

Report Cards

I had planned to write about something completely different this weekend, however, I have spent most of my time reading report cards, so they seem to foremost in my mind.  Report Cards are an interesting thing, as they attempt to encapsulate an entire term's worth of learning into a couple of pages and a few symbols or numbers.  This is a difficult task as there is so much that goes on during the course of a term's worth of instruction.  Generally speaking, each report should contain a statement of achievement in key subject areas (e.g. approaching, meeting, etc), a few examples of what the student has done well and what could be improved upon.  In addition, teachers are required to describe ways to support the student's learning both at home and at school.  Each of the reports I have read shows a depth of understanding and knowledge about each student.

As I sit here and read through these reports, each one is different and seems to carry the essence of that teacher.   Comments seem to be an extension of what goes on in classrooms on a daily basis.  I can almost hear the teacher's voice, providing feedback and encouragement to each one of the students on those pieces of paper.  The "feel" of the classroom and the relationships that have been established come through in the "voice" of the writing.  It is a comforting feeling to hear the empathy behind the words, even when the words are sometimes hard for us to accept.  So, when report cards come home this Friday, read them carefully, think about what the teacher is saying and what we can do collectively to ensure a successful year for each of our students.

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