Saturday, April 18, 2009

Looking Forward by Looking Back

What an incredible year we have had so far!  We are so fortunate to live where we do and to have the things we do.  This certainly applies to our school as well.  We have come a long way this year, as we are well on our journey towards the "new" David Cameron.  This year, we have been able to successfully blend staffs, students, and PACs to create a school that all can be proud of.  Over the course of the year we have continued to work on the writing skills of our students as well as their physical health and understanding of nutrition.  These have been important areas for us to focus on as a school.  In support of these goals we have had two "Family Grouping Days", with a third scheduled for May, each focusing on these key areas.  We have instituted a School-Wide Write that was done in the Fall with the follow-up assessment to come in May., and we have created our Home Reading Program and Marathon recognition as well.
As we reflect on our successes (and our failures) we begin to look forward to the next school year and where we as a school community should be putting our resources (human and monetary).  It is important to have a few areas that are our focus so that we can ensure a streamlined process and attainable objectives.  Too many goals become frustrating and overwhelming for people.  At this point, we are just beginning to engage in conversations about where we want to put our efforts next year.  As always, we are interested in the perspective of our school community, so if you have areas that you think need to be worked on don't hesitate to contact me at school.

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