Michael Fullen speaks often about the change forces that affect us. In his words, "Change is mandatory, growth is optional". This is to say that change is continually happening around us, it is our personal decision how we deal with it. At David Cameron we are continually striving to find the best ways to support our students and to ensure learning for all. L. Dysart said that "apparent peace should be continually re-examined." It is not good enough to sit on our past laurels, we must continually strive for better, more efficient ways to support learning. This does not mean that past practice was wrong, only that it was the best we knew of at the time. As more research is conducted and newer ideas emerge it is our professional responsibility to examine them and find ways to embed them in our practice. In this way we are no different than the medical practitioner who must adapt and learn new techniques as medicine advances in its treatments.
Keeping all of this in mind, we must still be cautious in our approach and reasoned in our decisions. Change for the sake of change is not what we are after, we all want what is best for our children and being open to new ideas and ways of doing business is what's needed.
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