Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 24 - 28

This week, our staff will be involved in meeting with families to discuss student progress so far this year.  To support this, we will be having an "early closure" on Wednesday, November 26.  This means that students in grades 1-6 will be finished school at 12:00 noon and Kindergarten students will not be in session.  On the following day, November 27 no students will be in session as it is a District-wide non-instructional day.
Parent-Teacher conferences are designed to provide the detail behind the report cards and to assist in the goal setting process for the next term.  Report cards provide a symbolic representation (numbers or letter grades) of student ability in relation to the criteria for the term.  In addition, brief examples of what your child has demonstrated or needs continued support in are provided as comments.  The P/T conferences allow for more in-depth examples  and for parents to actually be able to see some of the work their child has done.  These meetings are an important part of the on-going dialogue between school and home.  Please be sure to attend your child's interview.

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