Sunday, May 31, 2009

June Already?

It has been a fantastic year at David Cameron, albeit a busy one.  We are well on our way towards our new entity as a blended school, having spent the last nine months working together.  This of course leads us into the final month of the school year and as always June is chock full of activities (see our calendar page for exact dates and details).  
Here are a few hi-lites:  District Track and Field meets coming up this week, followed by Bike Roadeo, Parent/Staff Appreciation luncheon, Talent Show, Beach Day, Grade Six Farewell, and our Year-End Assembly.  These of course are only the school events, each class has a number of field trips and/or special events planned to mark the year-end as well.
Each of these events creates another opportunity to build our school culture and connect with the broader school community.  Between the school and our PAC, we have managed to host many wonderful things during this year.  Which brings me to the Fun Fair held this past Friday.  What an amazing thing to see so many David Cameron families turn out for a beautiful, sunlit evening.  The parent organizers behind this event were amazing and pulled off a fantastic event, thanks so much to them and to everyone who pitched in (make sure to come to our Parent/Staff Appreciation Luncheon or at least stop by for a coffee and a muffin before school on June 12th.).  It is this kind of community spirit and connection that makes this school such a great place for everyone.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Let The Planning Begin!

At this time of year we are in the midst of all of the excitement that year-end brings, but more importantly, we are already planning for the next school year.  Our School Planning Council (SPC) has been engaging in conversations about areas that, we as a school, might focus on as a goal.  

School Planning Councils were initiated several years ago as a means of ensuring meaningful consultation with parents in relation to the actions of the school.  Since then, Planning Councils have been a cause for concern from the BCTF, resulting in teachers withdrawing from the conversations.  This obviously complicates the process which is mandated through Ministerial Order and School District Policy.

The David Cameron SPC continues to work in the best interest of students and the school as a whole as it considers information from a variety of sources including Satisfaction Surveys, FSA, and personal judgments regarding areas for potential focus.  Setting and working towards goals is an important part of the continued growth of our school.  We are excited about what the next school year will bring us and the opportunities we have to improve the achievement results of our students.