Sunday, May 29, 2011

Full Day Kindergarten

At this time of year kindergarten families are normally getting excited for their start to school in the Fall.  At David Cameron Elementary we normally have our orientation session already completed and information out to families.  We are little behind this year for a number of reasons, but are anxiously anticipating the start of full day kindergarten at David Cameron.  We are slated to have three K classes next year and our teaching staff have been working hard in preparation; buying equipment and resources, talking with each other about plans for instruction, and determining classroom locations.

The most exciting aspect of full day kindergarten is the luxury of time to play.  Kindergarten is based upon the idea that play is learning.  Students are able to explore, imagine, and play symbolically as they learn to interact with others and the world around them.  Our Kindergarten staff were fortunate to spend a morning with other kindergarten teachers last week, discussing the importance of play as the central element to their programs.  The Primary Program (Ministry of Education, 2000) says: "Children learn through play.  Through their play, children develop sensory motor control, eye-hand coordination, and problem solving skills.  Physical, social, intellectual, and emotional development are all enhanced through play.  Piaget (1980) went on to say that, "Play therefore becomes a creative experience in which the child bends reality to his [sic] wishes, incorporating his [sic] social experiences, reliving his [sic] pleasures and resolving his [sic] conflicts, thus ensuring survival".

The gift of time for kindergarten, will allow our staff and new students the opportunity to explore a variety of themes and concepts through play-based learning.  We anticipate that each of our classes will be located on the first floor to allow easy access to the outdoors, so that their play can incorporate indoor and outdoor spaces.

This is an exciting opportunity for all.  I'm sure there will be some learning and some fine tuning in our program that happens over the year, but in the end the caring and thoughtful approach our teachers are taking is sure to make this a great experience for everyone.  As I wrap up, I think about a notion from Lev Vygotsky that suggests "children rise about their average behaviour in play".  This is what creates such fertile ground for learning.  Bring on the full day K!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Time for Change

I have avoided writing this for some time now.  Sorry to those few of you who follow this blog regularly.  Now that we know who the new principal of David Cameron will be I can begin to get my head around transition.  I have said to several people over the past month or so that moving to a new position is bittersweet;  I am excited about the new challenge and possibilities of the new job, but I am also saddened at leaving such a vibrant and caring school community.

I have been reflecting back on the time that I have been fortunate to spend at David Cameron, and all that we have been able to accomplish together, and am in awe of the commitment that this school community has shown in making education special for our children.  I remember back to the warm welcome that I received from staff, students, and parents upon my arrival at David Cameron and have continued to strive to ensure that new families have been able to feel the same thing.   Over the years we have come through the blending of two schools into one new entity through the development of a shared culture.  This was due in large order to the open and caring nature of everyone involved.  The development of a strong culture has been a passion of mine and it is comforting to see how strong it has become.  We now have a very clear set of beliefs about how we choose to work and be together.  This is very encouraging for a strong future.

I know that everyone is replaceable and that it won't take long for the culture of the school to evolve to its new state.  I am pleased to have played a small role in making the education of so many great kids a positive one.  I have a little bit of time left at the school and will continue to give my full attention and effort to our students in that time.  More reflections to come as we get closer to the end of the year.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fundraising and our Fun Fair

This weekend I was helping out with my daughter's soccer team as they try to raise funds for a big soccer trip coming up.  I didn't do much, but it took a good chunk of my weekend just the same, and in the end it was a very successful fundraiser.  While I was doing it, I began to think of all of the fundraising tasks that our school undertakes over the course of a school year and in particular how monumental a task our upcoming Fun Fair is.

This weekend I had one task, organizing a 50/50 draw and the volunteers that go along with it.  It took a lot of time, with lots of emails back and forth.  Our Fun Fair is exponentially more intricate and time consuming.  The success of the event is due to Trish and Michelle and their tremendous organizational skills, but it also requires the commitment and involvement of countless others.  I think I heard it said the other day that there are 100, half hour volunteers slots to fill on the night of the event.  This does not include the pre-planning and organization that goes on for months ahead of time.  I hope that we have a tremendous turn out this Friday (April 29th), not only in support of our school and PAC, but also as an acknowledgement of the hard work our volunteers have done on behalf of our students.

The Fun Fair is the largest fundraising event of the year, but it is not the only one.  PAC has several events over the course of the year as do individual classes and groups of students (e.g. our SPCA club).  While these events are not directly related to curriculum in classrooms, they do provide an awful lot of additional bonuses to the school in the form of field trips, equipment, etc.  The events organized and staffed by students also provide crucial lessons in money management, cost-profit understanding, organization, and advertising (writing in context), to name only a few.

So, while it may sometimes seem a burden to volunteer some time at these fundraising events, the value is well worth it.  I hope to see a huge show of David Cameron support for our Fun Fair on April 29th.  See you there.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Digital Tatoos"

I heard it described awhile ago that when we go on line we create a "digital tattoo".  That is, we create a history of our activity that is forever.  When we send an email or text message or a post to a social network site, we have no idea what could happen with that information and to whom it may be passed.  When we surf the web we leave a trail that creates a profile of the sites we like to visit and therefore, what advertisers might target us.  Like a tattoo on our body we can cover it up or have it removed, but it is never really gone.

These are only a few of the things that we need to be aware of in order to maintain our privacy and safety as we stay connected via the internet.  Therefore, thanks to our PAC, we will be hosting a cyber safety session for our grade five and six students.  The grade fives will be involved in a session that provides them with some safety tips and ideas about things that they can do to protect their privacy.  Our grade sixes, many of whom are actively involved in social networking (e.g. Facebook), will have a more detailed session that will explore possible concerns including on line predators.

Technology is an amazing tool that can do a lot of great things, but like anything, we need to make sure that we use it in a morally responsible way and we need to make sure that we take precautions to maintain our safety.  These sessions will occur on Tuesday, April 26th.  We encourage parents to talk with their children about the ideas and concepts that they have learned during these sessions.  Open communication and interest in what your child is doing will go a long way to support them in learning to be safe and protect their privacy on line.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Virtue - Unity

This month our school is focusing on the virtue of "unity".  Unity is the ability to understand the differences in people so that we can embrace them and come together in support of each other.  As we do each month, we begin with our school-wide assembly to introduce the virtue.  This month was a little different in that we linked our virtue of unity to building understanding for our staff and students around First Nations culture.  We were fortunate to have Scott Sam and Murray Campbell come and perform for our students.  They sang and drummed a number of songs that kept everyone entertained, but at the same time, they were able to explain the significance of the singing and of the songs themselves.  What a great assembly!

After recess, our students re-formed into their Family Groups for another opportunity to experience First Nations culture through art work.  Charlene George joined us for this part where we were able to blend important aspects of culture with the use of our technology in the school.  Charlene used our camera and television abilities to teach each of the Family Groups throughout the school.  She had chosen some of her own original designs for students to be able to colour and put together.  As the students worked in each of their rooms in the school, Charlene explained the significance of each piece and the story behind its design.  What a great opportunity for our students to extend their understanding of the importance of art in telling a story about people.

The whole morning was so much fun for staff and students alike.  Each of our students was able to bring home a couple of pieces of art and hopefully a whole new set of stories.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

This year Spring Break has come later in the month of March then it did last year.  This means that when we return to classes tomorrow there will only be three months of the school year remaining.  The last three months can often be the busiest three months, as teachers work hard to complete academic requirements, PAC gears up for their big Fun Fair fundraiser, and we begin the many transitions that will occur.

During the last term we will have a number of transitions that are important for our community.  The most obvious one is with our grade six students heading off to middle school.  While some of their transition activities have already happened, there are several more to go.  At the other end of the spectrum we have our last group of half day kindergarten students transitioning to full days and a new crop of students entering kindergarten with the start of our Full Day Kindergarten program.  In between each of these, and equally as important, are the transitions for each of our students from one grade to the next, a process that we take as a great responsibility.

Of course, there are also adult transitions that happen within our school community.  We have many parents who are in their final year at David Cameron as their youngest or only child moves on to middle school.  This will mean some large holes need to be filled on our PAC as we head towards our AGM in May and the election of a new PAC.  Finally, we will be transitioning a new Principal into our school community.  The District has not yet appointed the person for this position, but will likely do so in the next short while, and then we can begin the process of introducing her or him to David Cameron.

These changes will include a host of additional challenges for us as we continue to keep our focus squarely on  a successful academic term.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Report Card Language

At this time of year, teachers in schools across the province are working hard to prepare report cards for families.  The teachers at David Cameron are no different.  We are so fortunate to have an incredible group of professionals working with and for our students.  This is certainly reflected in the care and attention put into report cards.  Our teachers struggle with getting the comments just right to make sure there is a caring blend of support and direction for improvement.

One of the things we all struggle with; teachers, parents, and students alike, is the language that gets used.  Sometimes we get caught up in "eduspeak" and move away from stating what is happening for a child in clear and simple language.  This happens in all professions where vocabulary specific to that profession emerges, and while we do our best not to head down that road, it does happen sometimes.

The bigger issue is the language of achievement.  These are the words like, "Johnny is fully meeting expectations . . ." that appear on report cards.  By Ministerial requirement, all report cards must include what the student is able to do, areas for improvement, ways to support learning, and a statement of achievement.  This is where the language can become confusing.  In the primary and early intermediate grades the term "exceeding" gets used to describe a student who is doing exceptionally well.  It becomes difficult for teachers and parents to determine what exceeding means.  Granted, there are examples on the Ministry Performance Standards, but the word is difficult to pin down.  Does it mean that the student has surpassed the expectations of the grade and is working on material at the next grade level, or does it mean that they have surpassed the expectations of the teacher?  Letter grades use a different term to describe "A" level work; that is work that is excellent or outstanding.

At the other end of the spectrum we have the terms "approaching", "minimally meeting", and "satisfactory" work.  Approaching is used on primary report cards to denote someone who is meeting expectations but at a lower level.  The term seems to suggest someone that is not yet meeting the expectations, but is approaching them.  Minimally meeting expectations is the phrase used for early intermediate to denote the same level of achievement, while the letter grade language of "C" means satisfactory.

It would be great if we could determine a common language that was truly reflective of what a student is able to do and that is clearly understandable by parents and the public.  In the meantime, the one valuable thing that all of this language does do is to create opportunities for teachers and families to connect in conversation about their child.